Bizarre Music - Short Piece

Written on Monday March 4th, 2024 at 8:53pm

A couple morning ago

I lay in bed after being awoken by my alarm

My intention to sit up

Did not succeed after mental imagery

And I started drifting off again

Semi-conscious, in a drowsy state

A standing fan dispersing cold air at a low level

The sounds of the blades spinning was the only active noise in the room

But something bizarre happened

I heard music

The symphony of synth, bass and light percussion

Consciously I thought I turned on music and forgot about it

Quickly refocusing into reality from my drowsy state

I discovered the silence of music

And only the sounds of the spinning fan

It was as real as this blog post you’re reading

To me at least

Did my brain subconsciously convert the sounds of the fan into a harmonic musical piece?

This has to be some sort of auditory hallucination, right?

How does such an experience even occur to me?

What is truly happening in the mind?

I don’t have answers

Only a recollection of one very exciting, yet, unexplained phenomenon


Drumming - Short Piece


Unmasking Power - Poem