Unmasking Power - Poem
Written on Thursday February 29th, 2024 at 11:20pm
Unmasking is crushing this held facade of mine
The facade to “fit in”
To not be perceived as “the weirdo”
The behaviours of self-neglect
It’s not so bad honouring myself
To have the audacity to break free from ideas of how to function as a person
The confidence to say no
The solid ground to welcome rejection over poison
To stand proud and be the so-called weirdo
If people fear me for being myself
And I don’t hurt people or be a menace in society
The power to be authentic in a fake and superficially ruled world
The power to promote others’ unmasking
To not swallow crap and accept that this is the way my life is going to be forever
I have control
I have more audacity
I have more power
And this is newfound freedom