Which Is Worse? A Question To Ponder

If you're stuck in your own head, or with decisions in life, I hope this will be important food for thought.

If you're like me, the present unpleasant experience would be being stuck in your own head, fearful to take action to get out of a rut, or progress with something that's been anxiety-inducing.

Being stuck in our own imaginations of worst-case scenarios, and freefalling into a rabbit role of rumination. Emotions dominate, logical thinking faded into the background.

While it's important to acknowledge emotions and allow space for it, there needs to be a threshold barrier to curb it from reigning control. Logical brain and wisdom needs to have a say in the matter to ground us in reality.

Note: This applies more so to situations that have no logical basis for inaction, instead,  based on emotions and feelings.

Once the emotional whirlwind has settled to a degree, ask yourself, "What is the worst possible outcome that can happen?". Answer the question and remember it.

Now, bring to mind your current state of reality with this particular situation. You've been stuck in a loop for days, weeks, months or years with the emotional flood drowning you.

It's like a psychological plague that wreaks havoc on your life. You don't want to live like this, and know that a brave leap of faith beyond your comfort zone is required to change it, but are reluctant to.

I'm not immune to this vicious cycle either, and it's requiring conscious effort to escape the cages.

With these two pathways in mind, ask yourself: Which pathway would my future self regret less? Which pathway is the best for my future self? Which pain are you willing to suffer for?

Is temporary discomfort and stress at doing something unfamiliar or uncertain worthwhile over staying in this psychological torment? 

Besides, you'll have imagined the worst possible outcome, so would have anticipated it in the unlikely case it'll happen anyway.

Which is worse? That's for you to decide.


Underwater - Poem


Intentional Solitude - Poem