
I was skating down a slight slope here, giving me a boost of momentum!

Recently, I purchased a skateboard and this was my second time riding it. During childhood, my attempts to learn skateboarding were unsuccessful, and only to be consumed by fear of falling and distrust of self to navigate the board.

My inner child's desire to skateboard never completely banished from my world, and I figured it's time to honour it.

I'm realising that skateboarding entails a large degree of trust in my own body - when to turn, how much to lean, when to bail from the board if things go sideways etc. It's all actioned on an unconscious level. This requires a synchrony between mind and body, and the conscious and unconscious levels of my brain. Conscious self-sabotage through a cluttered and anxious mind will impede performance, compared to a mind that welcomes failure when it occurs.

I've lived through an autoimmune disease and currently live with IBS (my diet is forever changed), both of which are impacted by psychological factors. Self-neglect in pursuit of perfectionism and achieving high expectations was the foundation of how I lived. Unlearning this is an uphill battle.

Everyone has an inner voice and inner child, and it takes intentional training to not only create space for its existence, but to connect with it and integrate it into our adult identity. What's your inner child saying to you?


Fire - A Poem


My Creative Journey Since Childhood